Hobie 16 World Championships
Kos Photography

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Kos is a renown sports photographer who's speciality is yachtingphotography, taking shots from 100 foot masts, or from in thewater while swimming amongst the fleet. Her work has includedcoverage of numerous America's cups, including being the officialphotographer to the British campaigns of 83 and 87. She has alsocovered the Whitbread Round the World yacht race working forSimon Le Bon's first yachting experience and more recently DennisConners Winston campaign. Other official photographic titles havebeen as the team photographer for McLaren Formula 1 motor racing.White water rafting and European Horse ball events for J & BWhisky. Other sports coverage have included Football, Tennis,Polo, Snooker.

Non related sports projects have included Fashion, Travel,Portraiture and recently War photography in Sarajevo.

Advertising work have included shoots for clients such as Rolex,the RAF, British American Tobacco, and the Oracle software giant.

After years of Travelling covering events, Kos developed aspecialised Water based photo library, which now also representsother specialist photographers work as well.

Kos Picture Source Ltd. is an international photo library with 5associated agencies in Japan , Germany, France, Italy, and theUSA. Its specialist subjects include yacht racing, and cruising,together with all aspects of water such as underwater creatures,seascapes and beach scenes. In addition it also holds anextensive world-wide travel section.

Kos Photography

Tel/Fax. +44 (0)181-789-8968
mobile 0850-444-722

For that unusual death defying shoot, that requires that little bitextra call KOS Today.

OR if it's that special stock shot you are looking for call LizzieGreen for the very best original, dramatic and exciting stock image.

The Glider Centre
Bishop's Waltham
Hants SO32 1BA

Tel. +44 (0)1489 896311
Fax. +44 (0)1489 892416

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