Hobie 16 World Championships
Notice of Race

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Updated contact phone numbers for Henri van der Aat

Venue & Dates

The 1996 Dubai Ports Authority Hobie Cat 16 World Championships will be held Tuesday 27 February - Friday 8 March 1996 and sailed in Dubai, UAE, in three disciplines: Women*, Masters** and Open.(*title subject to IYRU approval, **separate ranking within Open)

Organising Authority

The organising Authority is the Dubai International Marine Club (DIMC), in conjunction with the International Hobie Class Association (IHCA).


The Dubai Ports Authority Hobie Cat 16 World Championships will be governed by the 1993-1996 International Yacht Racing Rules (IYRR), the Hobie Cat 16 Class Rules, this Notice of Race except as any of these are altered by the Sailing Instructions and the Sailing Instructions. Alternative penalties according to IYRR Appendix B1.1 will apply, except that 720¤ is replaced by 360¤. The English text of this Notice of Race and the Sailing Instructions will prevail.


The IYRU's Competitors' Eligibility Code applies. The skipper must be a paid-up member of a paid-up National Hobie Class Association or Fleet recognised by the IHCA.

Advertising Category

The 1996 Dubai Ports Authority Hobie Cat 16 World Championships shall rank as a category C event in accordance with IYRR Appendix A3. The yachts will be required to display advertising of the event sponsor(s) as indicated by the Organising Committee. Individual sponsorship conflicting with the event sponsor's business category will not be allowed. The organisers are considering a 'window' for individual advertising. For more information, please contact the IHCA Sports Director.


Entries shall be made on the official entry form only and returned together with the registration fee details to the DIMC:
    Dubai International Marine Club
    c/o Modern Sailing Department
    PO Box 24883, Dubai, UAE
    Tel:  +971  4 846 111
    Fax:  +971  4 845 505 / 4.
Each entry shall include the full name of the competitors (as per passport), the passport number, date and place of issue, expiry date, photocopy of passport showing identification photograph and the details listed above. Also included shall be place and desired date of departure from home city, expected arrival date in Dubai, and departure date from Dubai. This information is essential for visa purposes. A separate visa application must be made for family members and friends through the entry form. A charge of $US30 will be applied per visa, payable on arrival.

Entries and registration fees shall be received by the DIMC by 31 December 1995. Late entries may be accepted at the discretion of the DIMC, but will be obliged to pay the full non refundable entry fee of US$ 300.


There will be three rounds in the Open Worlds: Round 1(previously called "Qualifier"), Semi-Finals and Finals. Women's entries are open. Quota for the seeded teams for the Semi-Finals of the Open Worlds will be as follows:
        North American Region       17
        European Region             20
        South Pacific Region        12
        North Pacific                3
        South America                7
        Southern Africa Region      10
        International Region         6
        UAE (host country)           6
        IHCA Wildcards               4
        Current World Champion       1
        96 Women's Champion          1
        Remaining guaranteed
           places (from Round1)     25
Entries will be accepted on a first come first serve basis and seeded teams must be notified to the DIMC confirmed by their Region before the 31 December 1995 deadline.


Registration fees will be a non refundable US $40.00 per team for both the Women and the Open Championship. The registration fees US $40 are payable to the IHCA in US dollars only either through a traveller cheque, by cash or by VISA or Mastercard providing the following credit card details: name cardholder, number, date of issue and expiration date. These fees shall be included with the entry form and sent to the DIMC. The method of payment shall be included on the entry form. Payments shall be received by 31 December 1995 (close of entries) and shall include the details of entry. Late entries if accepted shall pay a non refundable US$300.


The DIMC will supply boats free of charge to all teams. No other boats, sails and battens may be used. A refundable boat deposit of US$ 500.00 will be required on site. Boat deposits must be paid in cash in US$ or travellers cheques. This deposit covers the deductible per occurrence and must be paid up daily. Competitors are required to assist in assembling and disassembling the boats.

The only allowable additions to the boats shall be protest flag, additional tell tales, wind indicator and class legal tiller extension.


The registration Office will be open as follows:
    Women:                        Tuesday 27 February 08.00 - 12.00 hrs

    Open & Masters: Round 1       Thursday            14:00 - 20:00 hrs
                                  Friday              08:00 - 12:00 hrs
    Teams seeded for Semi-finals: Sunday              14:00 - 20:00 hrs
    (see quota)
Teams must register on site during the times indicated. Failure to do so may result in the entry being awarded to another team.

Schedule of races

    Tuesday 27 February 96:
        Women's Championship Series
        First race 13.00 hrs (4 races)
    Wednesday 28 February 96
        Women's Championship Series (4 races)
    Thursday 29 February 96: Series
        Women's Championship Series (4 races)
    Friday 1 March 96:
        Open & Masters Championship, Round 1
        first race 13.00 hrs (4 races)
    Saturday 2 March 96:
        Round 1 (4 races)
    Sunday 3 March 96:
        Round 1 (4 races)
    Monday 4 March 96:
        Semi-finals, 112 teams
        First race 13.00 hrs (4 races)
    Tuesday 5 March 96:
        Semi-finals (4 races)
    Wednesday 6 March:
        Semi-finals (4 races)
    Thursday 7 March 96:
        Finals, 56 teams (4 races)
    Friday 8 March 96:
        Finals (3 races)

Scoring System

The low point scoring system will apply.

Masters Championship

The Masters Championships will be based on the results from the Open Championship. To qualify for the Masters Championship, the skipper shall be 50 years or over and under 60 at the start of the first race of the event, and for Grand Master, 60 or over.

International Jury

An International Jury shall be appointed for the Open event.

Sailing Instructions

The sailing instructions will be made available at Registration.


All finalists will receive awards. The first overall in the Open event will be declared the 1996 World Champion.

Competitors' Insurance

All competitors entering the race must have a third party liability insurance with a minimum cover of US$ 400,000. The DIMC will endeavour to make extra arrangements in case this cannot be arranged by the competitor themselves.

Weather information

Average maximum air temperature: 35 C (95F) Average minimum air temperature: 25 C (77F) Average water temperature: 28 C (82F) Average wind: 10-20 knots


Special arrangements have been made for those entering in accordance with this Notice of Race only. Special air conditioned tent accommodation will be provided free of charge provided this is indicated on the entry form. This also applies to friends, family and guests as long as entered through the official entry form. Special rates for Hotels are being negotiated including transportation to and from the hotel to the DIMC. A room will be approximately US $95 per person per night excluding breakfast. Competitors using the official Hotels through the entry form for seven days or more will receive US $250.00 per person towards Hotel accommodation, paid directly to the hotel. The above only applies when proper entries have been received. Competitors using the special tents or other Hotels than through the entry form will not be eligible for the US$ 250.00 subsidy. For other options competitors are advised to contact their local travel agent.

The DIMC will be offering a number of parties and other social events during the Championship including a visit to the famous gold market and information will be available at registration.


The DIMC will provide each IYRU Nation two free airline tickets for its top team to compete provided that all entry requirements have been met. Names of the competitors eligible for this arrangement shall be supplied by the National Hobie Class Association and in its absence by the IYRU National Authority. Following the receipt of all details the relevant Authority or competitors will be informed on flight details and issue of tickets.

The DIMC will endeavour to assist other competitors to obtain lower airfares, although often local negotiations will be more productive. Following receipt of all entry details the competitors will be informed of the possibilities.

Emirates, UAE's National Carrier is offering preferential rates to all Hobie Cat Worlds competitors and officials. For reservations, competitors must contact their local Emirates Agent and quote reference DIMC 95/96. The following special fares are quoted in the country's respective local currency for an Economy Class Round Trip (nett).

    Frankfurt/Dubai/Frankfurt       1000 DM
    Rome/Dubai/Rome                 900.000 Lira
    Zurich/Dubai/Zurich             900 Swiss Frs
    London/Dubai/London             520 pounds
    Manchester/Dubai/Manchester     435 pounds
    Nice/Dubai/Nice                 4000 FF
    Paris/Dubai/Paris               4000 FF


For further information, please contact:
    International Hobie Class Association:
        Henri van der Aat
        Sports Director and Championship coordinator
        Phone: +31 35 623 8667
        Fax:   +31 35 621 5033
        E-mail 100534.2014@compuserve.com.
        PO Box 818, 1200 AV Hilversum, The Netherlands

    Dubai International Marine Club
        Tel  +971  4 846 568 / 4 451 112
        Fax  +971  4 458 880

    Ron Palmer IHCA Administrative Director
        Tel +1  520 299 0609
        Fax +1  520 577 8486
        E-mail IHCA@aol.com

Other information

This event is part of the Dubai Sailing Festival of 1996. Other events:
14/15 March: Dubai International Marine Club second Open Regatta
28 March - 5 April: The President's Cup Regatta including the famous Dubai Muscat offshorce through the Straits of Hormuz. This race starts in regatta style in Dubai and ends at the Sailing Festival in Muscat, Oman.
6 - 15 April: Topper World Championships
2/3 May: Middle East Laser Championships
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